
Our Mission

We believe that personalized, scientific wellness can extend the duration of one's health span, create happier and healthier lives, and feel one’s best at every age and life stage.

Our ambition is to empower individuals to live healthier for longer through personalized, scientific testing and solutions, with a deep portfolio of personalized offerings – testing that provides individualized data, educational resources, and products that support specific health goals and needs.



Our Story

Gail Marie Knight 

For many years I was having a surgery every year. It appears despite my youth at the time, I was just always sick. Losing quality of life to being in bed was incredibly hard. When you can’t take care of your kids, your business, your husband its heartbreaking. I was diagnosed with Gastritis, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Self-Limited Colitis, Fibromyalgia, Migraine headaches (15 headache days a month), Depression, Pernicious Anemia, RIRA’s (a form of sleep apnea where I woke to the first level of sleep 32 times per hour) and Gastropareses. When my stomach stopped emptying, I was put on a feeding tube to drip in food to save my life. 

When I asked my doctors if there would ever be a way back to wellness, they ALL said no. That I would have these issues the rest of my life and I would have to be in to see them to continue to adjust medication as needed. Each saying many of the pharmaceutical drugs I was prescribed have side effects and that I might need additional ones to take care of those side effects. 

I am a bit head strong and do not take no for an answer very well. This is a gift and a curse. To this end I found that by changing my diet and adding some supplements was able to find my way clear of all these diagnosis’s. After I stopped eating the foods that most people react to and adding exercise and plenty of water what I am left with is seasonal allergies! NO Fibromyalgia, NO Depression, NO Sleep Apnea, NO Migraines, NO GI symptoms problems or need for medication. Gastroparesis does not affect my life and for the Pernicious Anemia I still need B12 shots but only 4 or 5 a year. Previous care was B12 injections every three weeks. 

All of these issues and the resolution led me back to school and gave me the tools to help others. 

Healing is possible, getting your life back is possible. Joy, Peace and the ability to serve others are my gift!

Fullscript gives my patients access to top-quality supplements. I send the recommendations to your device, You purchase the supplements, Fullscript delivers right to Your door!

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